Life Science Teacher's Edition, 4th ed.
The Life Science Teacher’s Edition (2 volumes) features lots of new margin notes to help you prepare lessons. Each chapter includes a chapter overview, a suggested teaching schedule, the national standards for content, bulletin board and field trip ideas, and answers to the review questions.* Note, for a complete educational experience, additional laboratory purchases may be required. For your convenience, we provide complete lab kits through Logos Science.
This two-volume teacher edition helps you develop your student's knowledge of the structure and functions of living things. You will have multiple resources including chapter overviews, a suggested teaching schedule, worldview shaping ideas, links, demonstrations, and review question answers. The ultimate goal of this course is to help your student think like a scientist and see life science from a biblical perspective.
What’s in Here
- Lesson plan overviews for easy planning
- Margin notes with lesson background information