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FAQs - Curriculum


  1. tell a story by following a sequence of pictures
  2. recognize the letters of the alphabet, both uppercase and lowercase
  3. distinguish auditorily each of the basic sounds that have been introduced
  4. identify rhyming words
  5. control his handwriting well enough to track lines within boundaries
  6. concentrate during a listening story and answer questions following the story
  7. take his turn when all your children are doing an activity or having a discussion
  8. wait quietly for you to answer his question or help him, if those are the stipulated guidelines
  9. repeat and follow simple instructions
  10. formulate a short sentence in his mind, dictate it, and read it once it is written down
  11. do simple enrichment or reinforcement activities independently without disturbing your other children
  12. with guidance, use letter/sound association to read silently a short sentence that contains words with single consonants, short vowels, and a few common sight words
  13. answer a comprehension question about such a sentence after reading it silently
  14. read such a sentence orally with guidance
  15. collaborate with peers to evaluate information

is a curriculum overview that highlights the material in our textbooks as well as the skills that your students should be learning for each subject and grade.

Our textbooks are written from a well-rounded and proven philosophy of education. We believe that the best way to help a child learn is to help him understand what he is learning—not having him simply memorize the information.

All of our textbooks are also thoroughly biblically integrated. That does not mean that we have randomly entered Bible verses. We have a team of individuals devoted to making sure that the Bible is properly referenced and indicated in texts for each subject and at every grade level.

Textbooks cannot be accredited. Only schools can be accredited.

  1. It shows how to use each subject correctly.
  2. It is the foundational piece of the program from which all the activities and lesson plans originate.
  3. It coordinates all of the pieces of each subject.
  4. It provides a wealth of background information, resource materials, additional activities, and suggestions on how to teach the material.

We have formally discontinued the CDs previously included with the teacher editions. You can find the resources previously included on those CDS on the Homeschool Hub.

Reading & Writing

  1. Literal: locate and recall information from reading
  2. Appreciative: emotional reaction to what is read
  3. Interpretative: drawing inferences about what the author meant
  4. Critical: evaluating the rightness or wrongness of what the author said

PreCursive handwriting uses a natural slant rather than straight lines and circles, which makes transition to cursive much easier and more natural for children. This form was developed by BJU Press and is similar to D'Nealian.

JourneyForth Academic is an imprint of BJU Press that publishes scholarly works from an informed Fundamentalist perspective. It also works in conjunction with Bob Jones University Seminary and Graduate School of Religion to publish works by the Seminary's faculty and graduates. JourneyForth is the imprint for our children and young adult fiction and non-fiction titles.

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